Music for the Mind II (MFM II) is a four-disc set produced by Advanced Brain Technologies that builds on the highly popular and successful Music for the Mind (MFM) program. Of the more than 2,500 copies of MFM sold worldwide, more than 60 percent of users responded with feedback on the program. Not only were these reports overwhelmingly positive, but they also consistently established that the vast majority of listeners experienced increased energy levels, greater alertness, enhanced creativity, and more frequent inspirations.

Overall, nearly 90% of MFM users reported a meaningful impact on their lives as a result of their active listening program. The resounding success of MFM and the heartfelt encouragement of listeners for us to produce another active listening program prompted us to begin working on Music for the Mind II. As with its predecessor, MFM II presents innovate psychoacoustic methods integrated with spatial soundscapes of the tanbour and harmonious nature sounds in a series of new musical arrangements that facilitate emotions ranging from a sense of wellbeing and energy to states of relaxation and contemplation.

A sound stimulation auditory training program that aims to enhance the function of the ear and brain naturally while providing an enjoyable listening experience through the improvisational music of Ostad Elahi (1895-1974), MFM II is based on the science of psychoacoustics, or the study of how humans perceive sound. By combining psychoacoustic techniques derived from the work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis with improvisational music and nature sounds, MFM II exercises both the ear and the brain. These auditory aerobics facilitate improvement in auditory tonal processing and contribute toward improving communication skills, musical abilities, and learning potential.

The energetic and stimulating music, soothing nature sounds, and innovative sound processing techniques enable you to enter the world of active listening. When in a state of active listening, you are fully focused and aware of what you are hearing. This happens gradually as you make an effort to shift from passive exposure to sound into a state of auditory attention. Active listening enables you to regain your tranquility in our chaotic world and to gain more energy and attention in your everyday tasks.